Take a look at what we have to offer
We develop products that can be configured by our clients or consultants to meet client business need. We have organized our business applications into different application suites and modules according to market needs. Our approach to product development is a top-down approach.

Application Portability
We developed different versions of the application. For heavy duty works and full-fledged functionality, we have optimized the web front-end. For working while on the go, the smartphone app is more suitable and fast. Though the responsible web application can be used from all smartphones and tabs, mobile apps are designed for specific job requirements. We see in the above picture the same web application differently on a laptop and a smartphone
However, we have a special tablet app for reporting and presentation, while mobile app has been for activities on the go. We have done this to suit user tendency. As we see, management personnel are already in the practice of bearing tabs instead of laptops with them in business meetings and gatherings. Therefore, a tab with project cord and such a reporting application can make their task easier and more enjoyable. We have developed these two portable apps for the following platforms:
Apple iOS
Google Android
Our Special Suites
GRC Platform
Corporate governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) is a core concern area of all the management personnel. Internal control is a core element of implementing GRC in an organization. But, these functionalities are rarely found in information systems. Therefore, we have provisioned this as a separate suite as well.
CXO Cockpit
We have designed this application suite for management personnel. The senior management officials can plan the business and monitor in real time how it is performing. Separate functional areas have been provisioned for different CXO positions, e.g., CEO, CFO, CMO, CSO, CIO, CTO, CHRO, etc....
TNA Management
Tasks and actions are the things that we do every day. Business use protocols of operation most of which are
outside the systems. We felt that companies can be heavily benefited if task management can be automated and
linked with internal control.
Automation Experience
However, for some deployments where IT applications are working smoothly, management faces another difficulty. The outputs produced by the systems are not designed as suitable for management level. Different CXO positions have different focus areas to monitor and control. The ERP systems are not designed with CXO focus areas with monitoring dashboards. Some BI applications are available for dashboards. But, their outputs are not designed with adequate business control perspectives. They generally fall short at various verticals of management (CXO).
What We Do
You want such a system with enough coverage which has interactive PPT-style dashboards and fit for management integrating the operating processes? You need process automation on an OPEX model?
Then, you may lean on us.
Management Practices
It is a common observation globally that management executives are more inclined to monitor business operations and other areas of concern by using PowerPoint slides instead of online software. They look into various domains, e.g., commercial, operational, compliance, risk, governance, etc. They always look forward to getting automation-assistance in these areas.
ERP systems automate the work processes. BI systems prepare monitoring dashboards. So, what about a BI system that works like interactive PPT by pulling data from ERP?
Our Focus
We focus on business processes. We concentrate on automating critical information management of an organization from management perspective. We provide automated management dashboards for each vertical of management role, e.g., CEO dashboard, CFO dashboard, CMO dashboard, CSCO dashboard, CIO/CTO dashboard, CAO dashboard, etc. These dashboards operate based on related business processes that are executed by all levels of employees in the organization.
Our Strategic Partners
We focus on GRC and prefer to work in the niche area. We work with the following firms in startegic partnership:
Take advantage of our Systems Management
Systems management refers to enterprise-wide administration of distributed systems including (and commonly in practice) computer systems. Systems management is strongly influenced by network management initiatives in telecommunications. The application performance management (APM) technologies are now a subset of Systems management. Maximum productivity can be achieved more efficiently through event correlation, system automation and predictive analysis which is now all part of APM.